Here you can find an ongoing list of books I’ve written and published myself as well as info about how to order.1 A few others are available at Dead Mall Press, and paid subscribers are entitled to discounts on my books at both locations.2


  • Make a payment at Venmo (@Matt-Haines-28) or Paypal (

  • Send me a message with 1) name, 2) mailing address, and 3) which book/s you want. Include it in a note with the payment or hit me up at (also, if I know you, you can just DM me wherever).


  • Founding subscribers get all books for free.

  • Paid subscribers pay $3.50 per book (shipping included)

  • For everyone else, it’s $10 per book (shipping included).

  • PDF’s are free for everyone upon request.

A DARK ADDRESS (reissue)

On sale now (shipping by Sept 9, 2024)

Description: Originally released in April 2020 as a PDF, this collection has never appeared before in print. It was my first book, and it’s more lyrical than work I’ve done since. It’s essentially about a healing psyche, my own, learning to escape its traps. Along the way, we see Ohio fields, nuclear reactors, haunted jellyfish blooms, Walter Benjamin, and drawers filled with thumbtacks and eternity. It contains some slight revision and retitling compared to the 2020 version, and it includes one entirely new poem.

Click here to see the original pdf version with unique cover and some sample poems.See sample images of the new print edition below:

Comes in black and white or color covers. Color might be anything, and isn't limited to those shown here.


  • 66 pages (including front and back matter)

  • 8.5 x 11 inches

  • side-stapled booklet


The following are expected to appear here by Summer ‘25:

  • Travis: This was formerly titled “Person of Interest,” and some excerpts have been published online. It uses the character Travis Bickle from the film Taxi Driver as a focal point for writing about alienation and violence in America. I really, really like this one.

  • Parking Lot Horizon: This is a brief collection whose title poem I shared here recently. It has its roots in a series of drafts I wrote at the end of 2019 and start of 2020, before the pandemic. The ingredients are insomnia, concrete, work, rent, cars, dread, medicine, love, suns, dreams, and lists.

  • The Western Motel: This is a series of poems about cinema, drugs, the 20th century, fame, wounds, and ghosts. John Lennon appears, as do Kristen Stewart, Hank Williams, and Val Kilmer— and there are found passages from old pulp novels with shitty sci-fi elements. It teases an actual plot, too, and I think you’ll like it.

  • Rat Heart Nebula: This one is more deranged than the rest of my work with the exception of Dysnomia. But where that one was deranged and grim, this one is actually pretty fun. There is no subject matter here, just pure improvisation over a set form.


Although I’ve released some of my work through my small press, Dead Mall, I’ve decided I don’t want to further clutter the catalogue with my own stuff. I have several manuscripts I want to put out in the next year, and I think it will begin to look like the press revolves too much around my own work. So I’m just going to list it here. There will be minimal promotion, but I will make announcements here and on socials. As with DMP, each booklet will be printed and assembled at home by me.


Discounts only apply to books I myself have written.